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Crise au Burkina
Publié le 16 septembre 2015 | AFP |  Photographe : AHMED OUOBA | Photo N˚62815

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People gather at the Place de la Nation in Ouagadougou on September 16, 2015, few hours after Burkina Faso`s interim President and Prime Minister were detained at the presidential palace by guards loyal to ousted leader Blaise Compaore, the speaker of parliament said on September 16. Members of Compaore`s Presidential Security Regiment (RSP) "burst into the cabinet room at 2:30 pm and kidnapped the president of Burkina Faso Michel Kafando and Prime Minister Isaac Zida, and two ministers (Augustin Loada and Rene Bagoro)," interim parliament speaker Cheriff Sy said today.

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Crise au Burkina

People gather at the Place de la Nation in Ouagadougou on September 16, 2015, few hours after Burkina Faso`s interim President and Prime Minister were detained at the presidential palace by guards loyal to ousted leader Blaise Compaore, the speaker of parliament said on September 16. Members of Compaore`s Presidential Security Regiment (RSP) "burst into the cabinet room at 2:30 pm and kidnapped the president of Burkina Faso Michel Kafando and Prime Minister Isaac Zida, and two ministers (Augustin Loada and Rene Bagoro)," interim parliament speaker Cheriff Sy said today.

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Crise au Burkina

People gather at the Place de la Nation in Ouagadougou on September 16, 2015, few hours after Burkina Faso`s interim President and Prime Minister were detained at the presidential palace by guards loyal to ousted leader Blaise Compaore, the speaker of parliament said on September 16. Members of Compaore`s Presidential Security Regiment (RSP) "burst into the cabinet room at 2:30 pm and kidnapped the president of Burkina Faso Michel Kafando and Prime Minister Isaac Zida, and two ministers (Augustin Loada and Rene Bagoro)," interim parliament speaker Cheriff Sy said today.

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Crise au Burkina

People gather at the Place de la Nation in Ouagadougou on September 16, 2015, few hours after Burkina Faso`s interim President and Prime Minister were detained at the presidential palace by guards loyal to ousted leader Blaise Compaore, the speaker of parliament said on September 16. Members of Compaore`s Presidential Security Regiment (RSP) "burst into the cabinet room at 2:30 pm and kidnapped the president of Burkina Faso Michel Kafando and Prime Minister Isaac Zida, and two ministers (Augustin Loada and Rene Bagoro)," interim parliament speaker Cheriff Sy said today.

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